
Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16, 2018
Bishop Jordan Jones
for appointments with the Bishop 
please call or text Murray Inman

3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting Time 11:00 am
Starting Jan 6th our new meeting time will be 12:00 pm
(12 - 2pm)

Ward & Stake Business

January 2019 children will complete Primary and begin attending Sunday School and Young Women or Aaronic Priesthood quorums as age groups at the beginning of January in the year they turn 12.
Likewise, young women will progress between Young Women classes and young men between Aaronic Priesthood quorums as age groups at the beginning of January in the year they turn 14 and 16.
In addition, young men will be eligible for ordination to the appropriate priesthood office in January of the year they turn 12, 14, and 16. Young women and ordained young men will be eligible for limited-use temple recommends beginning in January of the year they turn 12.
More information can be found here  Age Change Progression
If you have any questions please contact a member of the Bishopric
Sacrament Meeting

Will Taylor - "Spiritual Promptings and How They Can Lead to Service"

Will shared some experiences when he and his family followed promptings and how they were able to bless lives. 

“Listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. … You’ll have a prompting to say something or to do something in relationship to those that you serve with or in your neighborhood or so forth. Do it! Trust the Lord.” M Russell Ballard

Janae Colburn - Spoke on Service

Janae shared many wonderful experiences of how service has truly impacted her life and the lives of those she loves. 

Matthew 25:40 
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

We are grateful for the spirit that was felt as we had the privilege of listening to 
Elder Clark today. 

When our lives are completely focused on Jesus Christ, we can know joy !!!

Everyone invited and encouraged to attend 
Practice is Sundays 3:30 - 4:30 
Contact Pam Jones with any questions

Book of Mormon Scripture Study Class 
Discussion led by Brother Daryl Williams and our Full time Missionaries
Wednesdays at 7pm in the High Council Room
Everyone is invited 

Help others in a new way each week 
Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, spent much of His ministry caring for individuals, one by one. Join us this Christmas as we follow His example and find ways to share our time, love, and resources with those in need
Week 3: Light your family 
Serving with your family can bring you closer together, but serving your family members can bring the light of Christ into your own home. This week, focus on ways you can serve the people you love most.

December Calendar of Events

December 18, 2018 (Tuesday) 6pm - Cub Scout Pack Meeting

December 23, 2018 (Sunday) - Sacrament Meeting Only - Special Christmas Program

Dec 30, 2018 (Sunday) 4:00 pm - Stake Temple Recommends 

December 31, 2018 (Monday) 7:30pm - 12:30am Multi-Stake YM/YW New Year’s Eve Event For all YM and YW ages 14+. 7:30 - 9:00 pm - Group Board Games and 9 Square. 9:00pm - 12:30 am - New Year’s Eve Dance, Breakfast and Balloon Drop.

January 6, 2019 (Sunday) 7:00pm Stake Youth Missionary Fireside  For all YM & YW ages 14-18. At the Stake Center in the Relief Society Room.

First Presidency Christmas Devotional

“Jesus Christ is God’s transcendent gift — the gift of the Father to all of His children,” said President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the First Presidency’s Christmas Devotional. 
“That birth we joyfully celebrate each Christmas season.”

The prophet encouraged Latter-day Saints to “accept many gifts offered by the Lord,” including an unlimited capacity to love, the ability to forgive, repentance and the promise of “life everlasting,” or eternal life.
You can watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional {HERE}

Looking ahead to 2019 . . . . . exciting changes
 Our new meeting time will be from 12:00 - 2:00 pm. We will be welcoming Granite Reef Ward to our Building in January and will be making room for them.  

Phoenix Area Fireside with President Nelson and President Oaks - Sunday, February 10th - 6:00 - 8:00 pm - to be held at the State Farm Stadium. It will be broadcast to Stake Centers in the Phoenix Area. Information on tickets to attend the devotional at the State Farm Stadium will be forthcoming.

Mesa Temple Closure
 Mesa Arizona Temple  is  closed for renovation 

Phoenix Temple Schedule
Endowment Sessions: Tuesday - Saturday
• Tues - Thurs - 7:30 am9:00 am10:30 am4:30 pm6:00, & 7:30 pm - Additional session on Weds - 6:00 am
• Friday - 7:30 am to 7:30 pm - every 90 minutes
• Saturday - 6:00 am to 6:00 pm - every 90 minutes
• Spanish Sessions - Tuesday 7:30 pm & Saturday 7:30 am

Our missionaries are having transfers this Wednesday. Rumor has it that we will have a companionship back in our building assigned to 2 wards. Mountain View and Paradise Valley 

So we are in need of people to sign up to feed the missionaries this week starting on Wednesday
Sign UP NOW to make sure you get to have them in your home!!!

Elder Brandt Hansen  Georgia Atlanta Mission

Elder Dale Inman Washington Federal Way Mission

McKay Gardner  El Salvador San Salvador East Mission. 

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 

Mountain View Ward Welcomes the  Lauritzens:

We have been married for 40 years and have lived in Texas, Utah and Arizona. Elder Lauritzen has talents in many areas and spent his career in education. He taught drafting and other vocational subjects at Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, Arizona for 20 years before retiring in June of 2016. Sister Lauritzen taught private piano in her own studio for 24 years. We enjoyed working as ordinance workers at both the Mesa Temple and The Gila Valley Arizona Temple. 

We are parents of 5 children who live in Seattle, Thatcher (Arizona), Austin (Texas), Boston and Hong Kong. 2 of our sons, Ammon and Jacob, are each married and have given us 5 grandchildren, ranging in age from 11 to 4. Our only daughter, Stori, is a trained Montessori guide at an international school in Hong Kong. She will be visiting over Christmas. Our youngest 2 sons, Kyle and Dallin, are gay. Kyle has a partner, Derek. We skype with each of our children weekly. They are very supportive of our desire to serve missions.

We served our first mission together in Tonga as ITEP missionaries, teaching education courses to the teachers of the church school in Vava’u. We taught 15 courses in our 22 months there and had 5 teachers achieve their teaching certificate. Elder Lauritzen has his doctorate in education, which allowed us to be adjunct faculty for BYU-Hawaii. We returned from Tonga at the end of June 2018. 

Our present missionary call is in the Arizona Scottsdale Mission office. Elder Lauritzen is the housing coordinator and Sister Lauritzen is the mission secretary. This assignment is 23 months. We live within the Chaparral Ward but requested to be able to attend this ward, because Elder Lauritzen’s parents reside in the ward at the Brookdale assisted living center, and we are able to help with them as needed. We feel blessed to be able to serve another mission together at this time in our lives.

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. 
Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. 

Are you on Facebook ? If not it is time to join

Stay up to date with everything that is happening. 

>>>Click on the links to join the private facebook groups for our ward and stake<<<

this group is for all members of the Mountain View Ward
please click on the link and request to join

this group is for PV Stake YM & YW leaders, high council & stake presidency over youth,  Ward leaders over youth (YM & YW presidencies, bishops), 
 YOUTH (12-18 years) & Youth's parents

this group is for Mountain View YM & YW leaders, Bishopric, 
 YOUTH (12-18 years) & Youth's parents

this is a private Group page for Boy Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council Troop 300. Chartered by the Mountain View Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Phoenix Arizona.

Pack 300 & 108 <
this group is for all parents of boys ages 8-12 and all cub scout leaders

JustServe matches faith, nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help. links you to service opportunities in your community so you can make a difference wherever you are and however you want to serve. Sign up now at

Make Sure to LIKE and FOLLOW 

In this Christmas video, three modern-day wise men show us that the greatest gifts we can give Jesus Christ are service, love, and charity to others—especially those in need. When the Wise Men in Jesus Christ’s day traveled to see him, they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. "These are not the gifts Jesus asks of us,” said Thomas S. Monson. “From the treasure of our hearts Jesus asks that we give of ourselves.” What can you do to lift and encourage those around you this holiday season?

Do you have news to share with the ward 
 email Kristan at 
and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 

PV Stake Family History Center Hours
Tues: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Helpful Website/Information:

New Come Follow Me Curriculum

JustServe - Local Service Opportunities:
LDS Self Reliance Services:
LDS Addiction Recovery Meeting Finder (enter zip code):
Help for Victims of Abuse
Resources for Leaders on the topic of Abuse
Phoenix LDS Mid-Single Adult Activities (30+):
Phone HotLine: 602-989-0300
• DI Pod located at the Stake Center - Lock Code 8738

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