
Monday, September 5, 2016

September 4, 2016

September 4, 2016
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 11:00

Just a thought . . . . 

Talk of the Week 
"Our priesthood obligation is to put our families and the families of those around us at the center of our concern."
Listen to all of President Eyrings Talk {HERE}


Saturday September 10. 2016 - Families assigned to clean the building - Nielsen, Nicosia/Campbell, Packard, Paolacci, Peacock, Wilson

Saturday September 10, 2016 5:00 - 7:00 pm - Ward Temple Night 

Sunday September 11th - George Muhns Mission Farewell 
Called to Serve in the Brazil Teresina Mission

Tuesday September 13th 7:00 pm - RS Meeting - we will be tying quilts for the refugees

Stake Choir Practice next Sunday September 11 at 7:00pm

Mark your calendar for Stake Conference Weekend
September 17 & 18th

Sunday September 18th 5pm - Single sister dinner at Bishop Taylors home this month

General Conference October 1 & 2

Information for Monthly Teachers Council                                                                       (All of those people in charge of Teaching a class)
Next Meeting: Sept 11th, High Council Room.
2nd Hour Discussion Topic: Providing curriculum. (Using resources on-line.)
3rd Hour Discussion Topic:  How to get those we teach to be responsible for their own learning. 
*Please note 3rd hour participants should go to High Council Room instead of going to Opening Exercises in order to maximize the amount of discussion time.*

To View the complete stake calendar click {HERE} and log onto

Thank you
 to everyone who has been signing up to feed our wonderful missionaries. 


we only have one more day in September that needs to be filled - Wednesday September 21st
We have also opened up all the days for October
Please sign up 
Today we said Goodbye to Elder Checketts who has been serving faithfully here for the last 10 1/2 months. He has been transferred to the Snowflake area. We are anxious to meet Elder Ruggs new companion.

Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. 
Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  
Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! 
click on this link {Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner} 
Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog

Sacrament Meeting

How blessed we were to be able to sit and feel the spirit
 during such a wonderful fast and testimony meeting

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

Building Cleaning Schedule
Find your name and mark your calendar
Meet at the church on your Saturday assigned at 8am. With everyone's help it takes about an hour to clean our building and get it ready for Sunday. If you do not see your name listed, you are welcome to pick a Saturday and come and join in this wonderful act of service.
THANK YOU to all the extra volunteers who came out to help this past Saturday. What a wonderful, supportive ward we have.
Do you have news to share with the ward ?
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 

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