
Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 18, 2016

September 18, 2016
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 11:00

When love and happiness fill your home, they fill your heart as well. Friends and families around the world are striving for those feelings in their homes. 
What can you do today to join them?

Paradise Valley Stake Conference

Just a thought . . . . 



Saturday September 24. 2016 - Families assigned to clean the building -Smart, Sidwell, Sharpe, Smith, Sneddon (and anyone else who would like the blessings of serving) 

General Women's Session

Saturday September 24, 2016 

Dinner will be served at 4pm and the 

Broadcast will air at 5pm

All women and girls 8 years and older are invited to attend

                       General Conference October 1 & 2                                             Click {HERE} for Live Viewing Times and Options

Information for Monthly Teachers Council                                                                                                                         (All of those people in charge of Teaching a class)
Next meeting: October 16th
2nd Hour topic: How to get youth involved.
3rd hour topic:Using church multimedia to aid in teaching. What's available and how to use it.
(Please note those that attend third hour should go directly to the high council room instead of opening exercises to maximize discussion time.)

To View the complete stake calendar click {HERE} and log onto

Thank you
 to everyone who has been signing up to feed our wonderful missionaries. 
Take this opportunity to meet our wonderful new missionaries
We have opened up all the days for October
Please sign up 

Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. 
Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  
Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! 
click on this link {Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner} 

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog

Stake Conference 

Saturday Evening Adult Session

Adair Peacock shared her story of being a recent convert and the blessings that have come to her life by doing family history work
Julie Parmenter shared her story of being inactive and the important role her Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers have played in her life
Kelly Barns talked about the effects of pornography on our children. He reminded us to always be diligent on safeguards in order to keep it out of our homes. He also reminded us of the importance that when we are faced with pornagraphy in our families, to remember to always show love when dealing with it.
President Robinson, mission President of the Scottsdale Arizona Mission spoke about the wonderful missionaries that we have serving amongst us and how they are great vessels of the Lord and they are here to help us. 
Sister Robinson shared about her inactive grandfather becoming re-activated by reading the Book of Mormon. When his son left on his mission he challenged him to read, he accepted the challenge and read the Book of Mormon while his son was serving his mission and this is one of the keys to him coming back to church. 
Pres Hatch spoke of serving one another and the service work that is done by the church and it's members
Pres Lewis reminded us to use the sacrament and the atonement and leave our burdens at the door. He shared the story of the burden basket the girls learned about at girls camp.  

President Lewis also shared this wonderful video about how parents can talk to their children about Pornography - click {HERE} to view the video 

Sunday Session of Stake Conference

The stake recognized the following Young Women from our ward for earning their Young Womanhood Recognition Award

 Tara Mahoney ~ Seneca Ellsworth ~ Megan Kauffman ~
 Lindsay Harrison ~ Madisyn Webster

The stake recognized the following Young Men from our ward for earning 
 their Eagle Scout Award
Jackson Gardner ~ Brandt Hansen 


Bishop Juan Quilantan - Bishop of the Via Verde Ward - Spoke about Using the Book of Mormon as a tool for conversion. He shared his conversion story as a youth and then the conversion of his mother and the opportunity he had to baptize her as a Priest. 

Camry McCormick - Young Woman from the Granite Reef Ward - shared a very powerful experience she had at girls camp. The Young Women learned "We can do hard things". Camry shared that we all have trials but if we hold on to the rod the blessings will be great. 

Seth Webber - Young Man from the Granite Reef Ward - He shared his personal story as a youth who left the church at a very early age. Then as a teenager has come back to the church and has felt a tremendous amount of blessings in all areas of his life because of the fact that he is active in the gospel again

Whitney Barnes - Granite Reef Ward -  spoke on overcoming doubt. She spoke of feelings she has that come from loved ones who have left the church. Whitney reminds us to "Choose to believe and choose to have faith" When faced with doubt do not give up. "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you"  "I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never,
I'll never, no never, no never forsake!"

Debbie Birch - Granite Reef Ward - spoke on the blessings of serving as a church service missionary. To find out if there is an area you might want to serve - click {HERE}  

Sister Hatch (matron of the Mesa temple) reminds us that by attending the temple often,  it will bless us and fortify us to face the challenges in our life 

President Hatch (President of the Mesa Temple) - asks us "why do we need greater faith ?" Take time to ask yourself "how firm is your foundation ". President Hatch reminds us that if we establish a pattern of increased temple attendance, we will be blessed. Temple attendance will help us to overcome some of the most difficult challenges in our life

President Fuller - Encourages us to "fight for your testimony" !!! Your testimony is worth fighting for.  

President Lewis as Dennis Bailey of the Mountain View Ward and President Roy Hatch to share their testimonies. 

President Lewis - shared his testimony and his love for the members of the Paradise Valley Stake. President Lewis reminded us that "you never hear of a member struggling with their testimony who is feasting upon the words of Christ"
President Lewis reminded us to find, take and teach before the end of the year and shared the blessings that have come to his life by doing so. Reminds us that service brings blessings. Heavenly Father loves us, he knows us each by name and he desires to bless our lives. 


Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

Building Cleaning Schedule
Find your name and mark your calendar
Meet at the church on your Saturday assigned at 8am. With everyone's help it takes about an hour to clean our building and get it ready for Sunday. If you do not see your name listed, you are welcome to pick a Saturday and come and join in this wonderful act of service.
THANK YOU to all the extra volunteers who came out to help this past Saturday. What a wonderful, supportive ward we have.
Do you have news to share with the ward ?
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 

Video of the week from the Mormon Channel
When Amy hit her personal rock bottom, she couldn’t have imagined how her struggle would prepare her to someday help others in pain. Maybe you have gone through some of your trials so that you can help someone else. Always be in tune to the promptings of the Lord so that you may know those you can help and serve

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