
Monday, September 16, 2019

Sept 15 Messenger

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September 15, 2019
Bishop Jordan Jones
for appointments with the Bishop 
please call or text Murray Inman - 602-469-7301
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
We meet from 12:00 to 2:00.  
Sunday School (Gospel Doctrine & Youth Sunday School Classes) the 1st & 3rd Sunday
Priesthood, RS, YM & YW the 2nd & 4th Sunday 
5th Sundays under the direction of the Bishopric
Mt. View Sunday Summary
This was stake conference weekend.
Sister Cox- mission president's wife
Everyone deserves to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ you can do it by: 1) being yourself, 2) share your membership,
3) Do temple and family history work.  “Nothing is more important than the gathering"  President Nelson
President Cox - mission president 
Youth program is coming September 29th to help youth connect with heaven and members of the godhead through
1) prayer - use prayer to secure blessings God is willing to grant, 2) Connecting with the Savior through the B of M. 
2N 31:2, 3) attending church - verifingy the truth
Sister Montague and Brother Montague - supervisors for church service missions
The church fits us all, we feel better when we are doing good, we can be called to be a proselyting Missionary or church service missionaries. There is always a way to serve.
Katy Fuge - YW in Granite Reef ward
As members of the church we all have opportunities to serve in the temple. It is a place to find  peace and receive guidance from the spirit.  Going to the temple is worth every sacrifice.  We have responsibilities to serve on both sides of the Veil. We are examples to the world and blessed to attend the temple. 

Spencer Allen - YM
Being a true a true disciple of Jesus Christ starts with faith.  Do this by serving others, standing up for your beliefs, and attending seminary and institute.  Sacrifice is worth it with the blessings received,   keep the commandments and you will be supported. 
Dale Orr - stake high council
1 Peter 5:8 - temptation is dangerous and can be scary.   70% of youth know how to hide social media activity,  1 in 4 teens are receiving explicit texts.  There are many roaring lions in this world.   30 minutes to 1 hour of social media time is safe.  The  average time per day for youth is 9 hours because they have FOMO - fear of missing out.
Kids need to see our love and have us put our phones down.  Take a break from the fake and try a 7 day social media fast.
Replace addiction with fun stuff,  take the phone out of your bedroom so you can sleep.  Ask yourself  does this  connection make me feel good?  If not then delete. 
Suzanne Liddle - Primary teacher - Granite Reef ward
 Satan's Plan is not happiness. God wants us to choose him.  Submission to God's will is all we can place on the altar. All we can give God is our will.  Trials are a gift, if we endure  we will be filled with the pure love of Christ 
Scott Theobald
Work is a universal principle and anyone that is capable is not excused from work.  In  Genesis and Moses - Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth. On the 7th day He ended His work and rested.   Adam was commanded to work by "dressing”  the Garden (cultivating the soil).   Look upon work as a blessing.  Work trains and strengthens our talents, help us sustain ourselves and work is about more than just earning money.   President Nelson has worked and his heart surgery work has changed the world.   Parents should teach their children to work.  It is a gift but we should  balance work with other things such as  fine art, music, leisure activities.   
Russell Taylor
The first vision is real.   Joseph Smith was called to lead the last dispensation.  We worship Jesus Christ as our Savior but we  admire Joseph Smith and recognize him as our prophet.  The invitation was given to  find out for yourself and ask God specifically about Joseph Smith and if the Book of Mormon is true.
President Juan Quilantan
In  John 1 John the Baptist  pointed to Jesus and said "Behold the Lamb of God"   2 disciples stayed with the Savior for the day and asked the Master, where do you live.  He said, "Come and see."  Simon Peter was told he had found the savior, the next day Phillip was found on way to Galilee, once converted to the gospel he was told to "go and share".    He shared with Nathaniel who asked,  "can any good thing come out of Nazareth?"  Philip said "Come and see." 
When Nathaniel met the savior his heart melted . He knew this was the savior. 
As a ministering brother or sister we can invite other to come and see the savior

September 16–22

2 Corinthians 8–13

“God Loveth a Cheerful Giver”

What would you do if you heard that a congregation of Saints in another area was struggling in poverty? This was the situation that Paul described to the Corinthian Saints in 2 Corinthians 8–9. He hoped to persuade the Corinthian Saints to donate some of their abundance to Saints in need. But beyond a request for donations, Paul’s words also contain profound truths about giving: “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). In our day, there are still Saints throughout the world who are in need of help. Sometimes the most we can do for them is to fast and donate fast offerings. In other cases, our giving can be more direct and personal. Whatever forms our sacrifices take, it’s worth examining our motivations for giving. Are our sacrifices expressions of love? After all, it’s love that makes a giver cheerful.

Book of Mormon Video Series’ First Season Debut Draws Closer 
Book of Mormon chapters 1 Nephi 1 through Enos 1, will be released each Friday from September 20 to December 27, 2019. The videos can be found on, in the Gospel Library app and on the new Book of Mormon Videos YouTube channel. Subscribe here to be notified when new videos are published on the new Book of Mormon Videos YouTube channel (

• Stake YM/YW MORP - Saturday, September 28th - 7:00 - 11:00 pm at the Stake Center. This is the first time we are doing a MORP... What is it? The opposite of PROM: A casual girl-ask-guy date-dance for ages 16+. What to do: Girls ask a date in a creative way, dates wear matching/coordinating outfits, go in a group, plan a fun daytime/pre-dance activity (bowling, go-karts, etc.), dinner, end at the stake center for the dance.
• General Conference Tickets - Tickets for the October General Conference on Saturday, October 5th and Sunday, October 6th, in the Conference Center at Temple Square are available. Our Stake has been alloted tickets for the Saturday Afternoon, General Womens, and Sunday Afternoon sessions. Limited tickets are available. If interested please send an email to Scott Johnson at with requested session and number of tickets desired.

• Noche Hispana (Hispanic Cultural Night) - Saturday, September 21st at 6:00 pm. Sponsored by the Via Verde Ward. All members of the Stake are invited to come and enjoy an evening together of food, dancing, fun and fiesta.
September 29.   The fifth Sunday is a joint meeting of priesthood quorums, the Relief Society and youth.  This month we will be learning about the new program for protecting our children and youth.   Linger longer luncheon will follow at 2 p.m.   Please bring chips, salads or a dessert to share.  Drinks and sandwiches will be provided.

Relief Society

This is a project to help feed  those tnsitioning from homelessness.   We are putting together a casserole that can be frozen and given to those people who are trying so desperately to change their circumstances 

General Women’s Session for all sisters ages eight and older will be Saturday, October 5th, at 5:00 pm.  All sessions will be broadcast at the Stake Center and are available for viewing on the church’s media channels and BYUtv.
Visit Vicky Myer.  
7191 E Montgomery Rd
Scottsdale, AZ  85266
Visitors Welcome anytime.
(Breakast is at 8, Lunch at 12 and Dinner at 4   Come one hour after those times.

This weeks' Birthdays
 (an opportunity for ministering)

15 Sep          Smith, Tommie

16 Sep          Austin, Elizabeth

16 Sep          Randle, David

18 Sep          Anthony, Quintin

19 Sep          Fleischaker, Adam

19 Sep          Schneider, Drake

19 Sep          Steffan, Jesse

20 Sep         Cunningham, Mark

20 Sep         Neal, William

20 Sep         Page, Brad

21 Sep          Davis, Mary Anna

21 Sep          Inman, Holly

Mesa Temple Closure  
 Mesa Arizona Temple  is  closed for renovation 
 Phoenix Temple Schedule
Endowment Sessions
Tues  - 7:30 am8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 4:30 pm, 5:30, 6:30 & 7:30 pm 
Wed.  - 6:00am  7:30am, 8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 4:30 pm5:30, 6:307:30 pm 
Thurs  7:30 am8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 4:30 pm,5:30, 6:30, & 7:30 pm 
Friday - 7:30, 8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 12:00 pm, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:30 pm,5:30, 6:30, & 7:30pm   
Saturday - 6:00 am, 7:30, 8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 12:00 pm, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:305:30, 6:30, & 7:30 
Spanish Sessions - Tuesday 7:30 pm & Saturday 7:30 am  ASL:  2nd Saturday of each month
Our full time missionaries 
Elder Brimhall & Elder Nesom
(602) 245-3737
Sign up to feed the Elders at
10675 NE 20th St.
Bellevue, WA  98004
Mision El Salvador, San Salvador Este
Apartado Postal 3362
CP San Salvador, San Salvador
Sister Heather Inman
serving as a service missionary from home
JustServe matches faith, nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help. links you to service opportunities in your community so you can make a difference wherever you are and however you want to serve. Sign up now at
PV Stake Family History Center Hours
Tues: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 
The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. 
Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. 
Lock combination is 8738
Are you on Facebook ? If not it is time to join
>>>Click on the links to join the private facebook groups for our ward and stake<<<
this group is for all members of the Mountain View Ward
please click on the link and request to join
this group is for PV Stake YM & YW leaders, high council & stake presidency over youth,  Ward leaders over youth (YM & YW presidencies, bishops), 
 YOUTH (12-18 years) & Youth's parents
this is a private Group page for Boy Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council Troop 300. Chartered by the Mountain View Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Phoenix Arizona.
Pack 300 & 108 <
this group is for all parents of boys ages 8-12 and all cub scout leaders
Do you have news to share with the ward? 
Please email Sister Carol Inman at
by Sunday evening and she will add it to the newsletter
Stay up to date with everything that is happening. 
Get Important Ward Announcements right to your phone
Text the message @mvward to the number 81010

Helpful Website/Information:
Seminary Registration
Come Follow Me Curriculum
JustServe - Local Service Opportunities:
Or go to the APP Store to add it to your Smart Phone
LDS Self Reliance Services:
LDS Addiction Recovery Meeting Finder (enter zip code):
Help for Victims of Abuse
Resources for Leaders on the topic of Abuse:
Phoenix LDS Mid-Single Adult Activities (30+):
Phone HotLine: 602-989-0300

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