
Monday, January 28, 2019

January 27, 2019
Bishop Jordan Jones
for appointments with the Bishop 
please call or text Murray Inman

3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament begins at 12:00 pm
(12pm - 2pm)

Ward & Stake Business

Released as a Just Service Committee member:  Jessica Hatch
Sustained:   Jacqui Bennion as ward history specialist,  Devon Clark as YM Secretary, and MaryAnn Davis as a primary teacher.

Please continue to include Vicki Meyer and the entire Meyer family in your prayers. 

Sacrament Meeting

The full time missionaries spoke on Likening the Scriptures to Ourselves.
Elder Beus shared how he has come to "delight" in reading the scriptures and shared his favorite stories and how they apply to us.   He spoke on how we sometimes avoid doing what we should just as Jonah did when he ran from the Lord and was swallowed by a large fish.   He recounted the stories of Nephi and Daniel and how they stayed focused on the Lord and what they knew they should be doing even when facing obstacles and prejudices.   In the Book of Mormon the 1 chapter book of Omni there were many  authors and all had different reasons for not writing.  One felt wicked and not the best for the job.   One procrastinated till the end of his life, one only did it because he was told to do so and one decided what was already was done was sufficient and wouldn't do more.  The question raised was are we like them.   
Elder Billings shared the meaning of likening from the dictionary which was "an act of comparing similarities".  He told of building a corn maze with his father and how they had to follow directions exactly and if they did they would end of back where they started.  Reading the scriptures is the same.   If we read, study and follow the directions given, we will end up back with our Father in Heaven.   He shared his favorite scripture and said favorites are usually the ones we relate to, or have "likened" to ourselves, the best.  

Doubt is not, and never will be, the 

precursor to faith.

Personal Study
January 28–February 3

Matthew 3Mark 1Luke 3

“Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord”
“Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth” (Luke 3:5; see also Isaiah 40:4). This is a message for all of us, including those who think they cannot change or do not need to change. If something as permanent as a mountain can be flattened, then surely the Lord can help us straighten our own crooked paths (see Luke 3:4–5). As we accept John the Baptist’s invitation to repent and change, we prepare our minds and hearts to receive Jesus Christ so that we too can “see the salvation of God” (Luke 3:6).
John the Baptist Baptizing Jesus, by Greg K. Olsen

Sunday School (Gospel Doctrine & Youth Sunday School Classes) the 1st & 3rd Sunday
Priesthood, RS, YM & YW the 2nd & 4th Sunday 
5th Sundays under the direction of the Bishopric

Everyone invited and encouraged to attend 
Practice is Sundays 3:30 - 4:30 
Contact Pam Jones with any questions 
Stake Conference Choir Practices - In preparation for Stake Conference, there will be choir practices as follows:
February 3rd - 4:45 pm - 6:00 pm. YM & YW age and older are welcome to participate.   There will be no ward practice on Feb. 3.

Book of Mormon Scripture Study Class
The full time missionaries sponsor a Book of Mormon class. 
The class is held on Sunday Evenings from 5-6:00 pm in the Relief Society Room at the Shea Building 

The teacher is Daryl Williams of the Mountain View Ward. The lessons are for those who want a better understanding of the Book of Mormon and is suitable for both life-long members and those who do not attend the church, whether members or not. It is ideal for people who do not feel like they ready to attend a worship service, but are interested in the Church. The dress is casual. The class covers the Book of Mormon in one year, so it provides a more in-depth look at the book than typical of a Gospel Doctrine class and makes the class suitable for both long-time students of the scriptures and beginners.   Bring a physical copy of all the scriptures and a notebook for your thoughts.   

SENIOR MISSIONARY DEVOTIONAL. Sunday, February 3rd at 3:30 pm at the Glendale Stake Center, (8602 N 31st Ave, Phoenix). The Missionary Department and Church Service Missionary Office with Area Seventy Elder K. Mark Frost presiding, is presenting a devotional (focused on those 50 years and up) to help us better understand the mission opportunities available to our seniors. This will be informative and inspirational. Compare the options for full-time senior missions with part-time service missions living at home. Even if you are not ready to go now, please come to learn and plan for the future! Call Elder and Sister Newhouse with questions 623-271-4664 or -0733. 

This is for all youth 14 - 18.

Sunday, February 10th 6:00 - 8:00 pm 
Phoenix Area Fireside with President Nelson and President Oaks  Sunday, February 10th - 6:00 - 8:00 pm - to be held at the State Farm Stadium. It will be broadcast to Stake Centers in the Phoenix Area.   

  If you requested tickets pick them up from Murray Inman in the cultural hall after the block on Sunday Feb 3rd and 10th.

Stake Conference.   Feb. 16 and 17th 
Saturday session is at 4 p.m. for leaders.  7 p.m. for all adults (age 18 and up) and Sunday’s session is at 10.   Elder Ren S.Johnson will be our visiting authority. 

Mesa Temple Closure
 Mesa Arizona Temple  is  closed for renovation 

New Phoenix Temple Schedule
Endowment Sessions
Tues  - 7:30 am8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 4:30 pm6:00, & 7:30 pm 
Wed.  - 6:00am  7:30am, 8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 4:30 pm6:00, & 7:30 pm 
Thurs  7:30 am8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 4:30 pm6:00, & 7:30 pm 
Friday - 7:30, 8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 12:00 pm, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:30 pm6:00, & 7:30pm   
Saturday - 6:00 am, 7:30, 8:30 am9:30 am, 10:30, 12:00 pm, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:306:00, & 7:30 
Spanish Sessions - Tuesday 7:30 pm & Saturday 7:30 am  ASL:  2nd Saturday of each month


Our full time missionaries 

Elder Beus & Elder Billings
(602) 245-3737


JustServe matches faith, nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help. links you to service opportunities in your community so you can make a difference wherever you are and however you want to serve. Sign up now at

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 
The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. 
Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. 

Are you on Facebook ? If not it is time to join

Stay up to date with everything that is happening. 
Get Important Ward Announcements right to your phone

Text the message @mvward to the number 81010

>>>Click on the links to join the private facebook groups for our ward and stake<<<

this group is for all members of the Mountain View Ward
please click on the link and request to join

this group is for PV Stake YM & YW leaders, high council & stake presidency over youth,  Ward leaders over youth (YM & YW presidencies, bishops), 
 YOUTH (12-18 years) & Youth's parents

this is a private Group page for Boy Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council Troop 300. Chartered by the Mountain View Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Phoenix Arizona.

Pack 300 & 108 <
this group is for all parents of boys ages 8-12 and all cub scout leaders

Do you have news to share with the ward ? 
Please email Sister Carol Inman at
and she will add it to the newsletter
To see previous weeks please click on 

PV Stake Family History Center Hours
Tues: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thurs: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Helpful Website/Information:

JustServe - Local Service Opportunities:

LDS Addiction Recovery Meeting Finder (enter zip code):

Help for Victims of Abuse

Resources for Leaders on the topic of Abuse
Phoenix LDS Mid-Single Adult Activities (30+):
Phone HotLine: 602-989-0300
• DI Pod located at the Stake Center - Lock Code 8738

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