
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 17, 2017
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 9:00 am

Just a Thought . . . .


>>>>Tonight Bishops Youth Fireside at the Bishops house at 7pm <<<

 Stake Temple Recommends Sunday, Sept 24th-4:00 pm

Self Reliance Services Fireside  
Sunday, September 24th - 6:00 pm. At the Stake Center in the Cultural Hall. This will be the beginning of the second session of the Self Reliance Services groups that will run thereafter for 12 weeks
The first groups have been very successful. 
->->->EVERYONE is invited to attend <-<-<-
The four areas of focus are:
Personal Finances
Education for a Better Work
My Job Search / Finding a Better Job
Starting and Growing my Business

Building cleaning
Please be sure to check the updated building cleaning schedule 
and mark your calendar

Ward/Stake Business ~ Callings & Releasings
New Stake Relief Society Presidency
Jami Fattaleh - President
Laura Packard - 1st Counselor
Tracy Gardner -  2nd Counselor
Lyndsey Preece  - Secretary

New Stake Young Women's Presidency
Jill Peterson - President
Sharon Nilsen - 1st Counselor
Heidi Wilson - 2nd Counselor
Joan Lyman - Secretary


Please get permission slips turned in
Make sure your packing is done
A few reminders
BEDDING MUST BE IN A PLASTIC TRASH BAG (Please remember when tying the trash bags that we will need to be opening and repacking bedding so pack and tie bag carefully. You may use a duffle bag as long as name is clearly marked and ALL bedding fits. EACH BEDDING BAG MUST BE LABELED WITH DUCT TAPE AND THE NAME MUST BE VERY VISIBLE IN ORDER TO QUICKLY DISPERSE BEDDING FROM WAGONS WHEN ARRIVING AT THE CAMPSITES

Please make sure that everything else the youth brings fits in their 5 gallon bucket. Once again please make sure buckets are labeled clearly with the name so that buckets can be dispersed quickly when arriving at campsites.
Got your clothes all ready ?



General Women’s Session for all sisters ages eight and older will be Saturday, September 23rd, at 5:00 pm. Refreshments will be served after the broadcast. 

General Priesthood Session for priesthood holders will be Saturday, 
September 30th, at 5:00 pm.

General Sessions for individuals and families will be Saturday, September 30th and Sunday, October 1st, at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm

General Conference Tickets 
 Tickets for the October General Conference on Saturday, September 30th and Sunday, October 1st, in the Conference Center at Temple Square are available. Our Stake has been alloted tickets for the Saturday Afternoon, Priesthood and Sunday Afternoon sessions. Limited tickets are available. If interested please contact Scott Johnson at

Mark Your Calendar Mountain View Ward Campout

October 6-7

Save the Date - October Relief Society 

October 10th 

Crockpot, Instapot, Freezer Meals and Much Much More  . . . . . 

Monthly Teachers Council
Everyone who teaches in ANY capacity should attend
October 15, 2017
(Please note those that attend third hour should go directly to the high council room instead of opening exercises to maximize discussion time.)

It's time again for Choir
Sept 24  choir sings and practice at 2:30
Oct 1  no choir  (general conference)
Oct 8  regular practice 2:30  
Oct 15  choir sings regular practice 2:30
Oct 22  choir may sing regular practice
Oct 29 regular practice 2;39
Nov 5  no practice (area satellite conference )

Provident Living Class 

Thursday, October 12th - 7:00 pm at the Stake Center Proper Water Storage Education. Presented by Lorraine Transtrum.

CES BeSmart Education Fireside Rescheduled 
Thursday, October 26th, 7:00 pm at the Scottsdale North Stake Center. All youth 12-18 and their parents/youth leaders are invited to attend the upcoming Education Fireside presented by BYU, BYU-I, BYU-H, LDSBC, and LDS Institutes to learn about how to prepare for higher education and the options within the Church Education System.

Mesa Easter Pageant Auditions - Applicants may apply for the 2018 Easter Pageant via The website is now open for applications. Applications will be accepted until October 15th at midnight. Those wanting to be considered for the cast MUST (i) apply online; AND (ii) attend the live auditions in Mesa on November 3rd and 4th. Please see website for more details.

if you have not fed these wonderful missionaries - please sign up
Their mothers will thank you !!!!

 Elder Dorius & Elder Hampton

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog
and keep up to date with the missionaries serving from Mountain View Ward


• Michael Marcos of the Desert Ridge Ward has been called to serve in the Peru Cusco Mission. He will report to the Peru MTC on September 27th.

• Zachary Harper of the Granite Reef Ward has been called to serve in the Alaska Anchorage Mission. He will report to the MTC on November 15th.

• Kira Gedris of the Granite Reef Ward has been called to serve in the Finland Helsinki Mission. She will report to the MTC on December 6th.

Robert & Marilyn LLewellyn of the Shadow Mountain Ward have been called to serve in the Maryland Baltimore Mission. They will report to the MTC on April 16, 2018. They will serve for 18 months.

• 2017 Cannery Assignments Mountain View 
Oct 18  9 pm  1:30 pm – 5 People

• 2017 Mesa Temple Cafeteria Assignment Mountain View Ward
October 10 -  3 Shifts

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

JustServe matches faith, nonprofit, community and governmental organizations that need volunteers with volunteers willing to help. links you to service opportunities in your community so you can make a difference wherever you are and however you want to serve. Sign up now at

Are you on Facebook ? If not it is time to join

Stay up to date with everything that is happening. 

>>>Click on the links to join the private facebook groups<<<

this group is for PV Stake YM & YW leaders, high council & stake presidency over youth,  Ward leaders over youth (YM & YW presidencies, bishops), 
 YOUTH (12-18 years) & Youth's parents

this group is for Mountain View YM & YW leaders, Bishopric, 
 YOUTH (12-18 years) & Youth's parents

this is a private Group page for Boy Scouts of America Grand Canyon Council Troop 300. Chartered by the Mountain View Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Phoenix Arizona.

this group is for all sisters in our ward 18 years and older 

Pack 300 & 108 <

this group is for all parents of boys ages 8-12 and all cub scout leaders

Make Sure to LIKE and FOLLOW 

Do you have news to share with the ward 
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 


Beautiful number sang by the Stake Choir Today

One By One

Words by David A. Bednar
Music by Paul Cardall
Arranged by Ken Neff and Shauna Swainston

One by one, one by one.
Jesus, the Fa-ther’s Beloved Son—
One by one, one by one—
From the beginning said, “Thy will be done.”
Jesus Christ came to earth to fulfill God’s plan,
For He alone could atone as Savior of man.
The Lord blessed and beckoned them, “Come unto me,”
And willingly sacrificed to set us free.
One by one, one by one.
He suffered for us and victory won.
One by one, one by one.
We marvel at all His love has done,
One by one.
 One by one, one by one.
Multitudes gathered and saw Him come.
One by one, one by one.
Each heard a voice declare, “Behold My Son.”
Jesus Christ came and stood in the midst of them.
They fell to the earth in great rev’rence for Him.
The Lord bid, “Arise, and come forth unto me.”
With hands they did feel and with eyes they did see.
One by one, one by one.
Each knew and bore record, He is our Lord.
One by one, one by one.
They cried “Hosanna” with one accord,
One by one.
One by one, one by one.
Christ looked around Him and saw their tears.
One by one, one by one.
In His compassion, He calmed their fears.
Jesus Christ healed each one brought forth unto Him.
Then He blessed each precious child and prayed for them.
The angels descended from heaven above,
Encircling those little ones; each felt His love.
One by one, one by one.
He intercedes for each daughter and son.
One by one, one by one.
Strength from His grace gives us pow’r to become,
One by one.

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