
Sunday, April 9, 2017

April 2, 2017

April 2 2017
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 9:00 am

Just a Thought . . . .

Click on the link and you can watch, listen or read all the 

wonderful talks from General Conference

This Sunday, April 9th is Fast & Testimony Meeting


Everyone is invited this Sunday Evening April 9th 

to the Easter Devotional. 

It will be a beautiful way for

 your family to begin your Easter Celebration

Invite your friends and join us 

Join us for our Special Ward Family Home Evening

April 17th at 7pm 

Assembling Refugee Hygiene Kits
 Come and join us at the church at 7pm 

Mark your calendar for our next Primary Activity 

All Children Ages 3-11


Make sure to mark your Calendar 

for Saturday April 29th

It is the Annual Boy Scout Breakfast


May 20, 2017 - Liam Matthews Eagle Scout Project
June 3, 2017 - Carsten Ellsworth Eagle Scout Project
Liam and Carsten will both be working on improving a marsh habitat for fish breeding at the Audubon Preserve located at 3131 S. Central 

Monthly Teachers Council
Everyone who teaches in ANY capacity should attend
Date:April 16th
(Please note those that attend third hour should go directly to the high council room instead of opening exercises to maximize discussion time.)
Choir will practice Sundays at 2:30

Thank you
 to everyone who has been signing up to feed our wonderful missionaries. 
 Can YOU sign Up ?
Our Elders still need some dinners this month
Tuesday April 11th
Saturday April 15th
Friday April 21st
Saturday April 29th

Also the calendar for May is available to sign up 

Take this opportunity to meet our wonderful missionaries
 - PLEASE take a moment and sign up
Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. 
Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  
Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! 
click on this link {Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner} 
We love these missionaries and the service they give to our ward 
 (if you take pictures of our missionaries email or text them to Kristan Paolacci to post on the missionary page of the Mountain View Ward Blog)

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog
and keep up to date with the missionaries serving from Mountain View Ward



Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

Do you have news to share with the ward 
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 

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