
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 19, 2017

February 19, 2017
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 9:00 am

Just a Thought . . . .

Ward business

General conference tickets still available - contact Scott Johnson

Stake temple recommend will be next Sunday at 1:00 in the stake offices
Stake Wide Fast Sunday March 5
Alma 31:35
"Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are our brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee."

Patti Schoedler Called as a visiting teaching supervisor

Next month is the Friends of Scouting Drive 

This Weekend
February 25 & 26 - Stake Conference
Visiting General Authority

Sacrament Meeting
This week we had the privilege of hearing from some of our youth and their leaders.  All of their talks were centered on the 2017 Mutual Theme

Jessah Smart introduced the theme and spoke about gaining ones own testimony and "asking" God for direction

Robert Inman reminded us to ask for help when we need it. For example Ask our teachers, ask our parents and more importantly ask our Heavenly Father

Linda Esplin

James 1:5-6
Shared how she gained her testimony and how she has gone through her life "asking" and the many experiences she has had

Kirk Guthrie
Gave a brief historical account of the Book of James
And shared how he used the promises from James 
and he asked of God and how his life has been truly blessed

Building Cleaning

We are now in charge of Building Cleaning - Please mark your calendar for assigned day. If you cannot be there please be sure to call another family to cover your shift

Monthly Teachers Council
Everyone who teaches in ANY capacity should attend
Date: March
2nd Hour Topic:
3rd hour: .
(Please note those that attend third hour should go directly to the high council room instead of opening exercises to maximize discussion time.)
Choir will practice Sundays at 2:30

Thank you
 to everyone who has been signing up to feed our wonderful missionaries. 
 Can YOU sign Up ?

Take this opportunity to meet our wonderful missionaries
 - PLEASE take a moment and sign up

Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. 
Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  
Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! 
click on this link {Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner} 
We love these missionaries and the service they give to our ward 
 (if you take pictures of our missionaries email or text them to Kristan Paolacci to post on the missionary page of the Mountain View Ward Blog)

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog
and keep up to date with the missionaries serving from Mountain View Ward

Jackson Gardner 
Jackson Gardner
440 Roberts Ave
PMB # 537
Pensacola, FL 32511-5161

Please continue to keep those members in our ward who are struggling with health relates issues or other things in your prayers. We love them and look forward to having them back among us

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

Do you have news to share with the ward 
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 


Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 12, 2017

February 12 , 2017
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 9:00 am

Just a Thought . . . .

Ward business
Next month is the "Friends of Scouting" Drive
Febraury 19 - Teacher Council Meeting 
February 25 & 26 - Stake Conference 
Visiting General Authority
February 26 - Stake Temple Recommend Interviews

March 5 - Stake Wide Fast

Sacrament Meeting

The Topic this week was 


Wendyjean Winders

Joseph Nickel

Blaine Quist 

We assume everyone gives and feels love the same way we do. But everyone is different, find the Love Language of those you love. 
The more you serve the more you will love

Andrea Driggs 

Thomas S Monson -Often we assume that they must know how much we love them. But we should never assume; we should let them know. Wrote William Shakespeare, “They do not love that do not show their love.”We will never regret the kind words spoken or the affection shown. Rather, our regrets will come if such things are omitted from our relationships with those who mean the most to us.

Building Cleaning

We are now in charge of Building Cleaning - Please mark your calendar for assigned day. If you cannot be there please be sure to call another family to cover your shift

Monthly Teachers Council
Everyone who teaches in ANY capacity should attend
Date: February 19th
2nd Hour Topic: An Electronics' how-to.
3rd hour: Create and Environment that invites the Spirit.
(Please note those that attend third hour should go directly to the high council room instead of opening exercises to maximize discussion time.)
Choir will practice Sundays at 2:30

Thank you
 to everyone who has been signing up to feed our wonderful missionaries. 
 Can YOU sign Up ?

Take this opportunity to meet our wonderful missionaries
 - PLEASE take a moment and sign up

Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. 
Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  
Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! 
click on this link {Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner} 
We love these missionaries and the service they give to our ward 
 (if you take pictures of our missionaries email or text them to Kristan Paolacci to post on the missionary page of the Mountain View Ward Blog)

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog
and keep up to date with the missionaries serving from Mountain View Ward

Jackson Gardner 
Jackson Gardner
440 Roberts Ave
PMB # 537
Pensacola, FL 32511-5161


The Quist Family 

Welcome to Blaine, Heidi & Amy

 Heidi is in PA school at Midwestern and Blaine manages customer accounts for a granola bar manufacturing plant. Amy (age 8) is in second grade.  We all love to play board games and go to festivals, and we also love spending time with our extended families.

As you can see it is going to be alot of fun to have the Quist Family in our ward

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

Do you have news to share with the ward 
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 


Love at Home

Sunday, February 5, 2017

February 5, 2017

February 5, 2017
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 9:00 am

Just a Thought . . . .

Ward business
Wendy Jean Jackson turned 12 and advanced to become a Beehive in the Young Women Program and she also earned her Faith in God Award 

Will Taylor was called to be the Priesthood Pianist

Next month is the Friends of Scouting Drive 

February 9 - Provident Living Class 7pm - Stake Center Relief Society Room
February 11 - Roots Tech Family Discovery Day
February 12 - Single Sisters Potluck at Bishop Davis' Home
February 25 & 26 - Stake Conference 
Visiting General Authority

Sacrament Meeting
Today we had a wonderful testimony meeting 

and the spirit was beautiful

 "Your testimony is like this package of tissues; If they stay in the package, they do no one any good, but if they are taken out and shared, then everyone benefits." 

Building Cleaning

We are now in charge of Building Cleaning - Please mark your calendar for assigned day. If you cannot be there please be sure to call another family to cover your shift

Monthly Teachers Council
Everyone who teaches in ANY capacity should attend
Date: February 19th
2nd Hour Topic: An Electronics' how-to.
3rd hour: Create and Environment that invites the Spirit.
(Please note those that attend third hour should go directly to the high council room instead of opening exercises to maximize discussion time.)
Choir will practice Sundays at 2:30

Thank you
 to everyone who has been signing up to feed our wonderful missionaries. 
 Can YOU sign Up ?

Take this opportunity to meet our wonderful missionaries
 - PLEASE take a moment and sign up

Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. 
Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  
Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! 
click on this link {Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner} 
We love these missionaries and the service they give to our ward 
 (if you take pictures of our missionaries email or text them to Kristan Paolacci to post on the missionary page of the Mountain View Ward Blog)

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog
and keep up to date with the missionaries serving from Mountain View Ward

Jackson Gardner 
Jackson Gardner
440 Roberts Ave
PMB # 537
Pensacola, FL 32511-5161


Pinewood Derby

Watch it {HERE} and Read all the Talk Summaries {HERE}

Now we can take the time to study and review the messages that were shared

Thank you to all who have been placing your donations in the DI POD. 

The DI Pod is at the Stake Center Parking Lot permanently. Please help us support the DI by dropping off your donations here. #8738
 Time to clean out those closets. 

Do you have news to share with the ward 
 email Kristan at and she will add it to the newsletter

To see previous weeks or find out info from specific organizations -
 please click on 


When life feels dark, overwhelming, or lonely, what can we do to find peace? Reaching outside of ourselves to serve others who are also in need may seem counterintuitive, but it is a healing balm that is tried and true.