
Monday, May 30, 2016

May 29, 2016

May 29, 2016
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 11:00

Ward Business
Teacher & priests are to meet at 5 am at the church on Tuesday
to leave for their Lake Powell trip

Kathy Rojas released as visiting teaching coordinator

Jeri Breashears called as visiting teaching coordinator 

Welcome home Sister Devin Gardener
She has returned home from serving her mission in Sweden

Robert Inman passed the sacrament today with his father for the first time

Sacrament Meeting Talks
What a wonderful meeting we had today

Aaron Davis spoke on Gaining spiritual strength 
"spiritual strength often comes from selfless service"

Liam Matthews spoke on friendship. 
Good friends can be a lasting influence in our lives. 

Richard Muhn sang Swedish Hymn #159. 
Blott en dag, ett ogonblick I sander 
 accompanied by Daryl Williams on the piano and 
Jackson Gardener on the saxophone 

Sister Devin Gardener reported on her service in the Sweden Stockholm Mission. Devin's main focus was on Happiness - what is it and how do we hold on to it.

Happiness comes from keeping Gods commandments, 
Coming unto Christ and serving others. 
"Life is a journey of learning to be truly happy"

May 31st - June 4th - Priest/Teacher Quorums Super Activity
June 4th - Stake Youth Dance
June 14th - 18th - Stake YW Camp
June 19th - Father's Day
To View the complete stake calendar click {HERE} and log onto

The Scouting program plays an important role in the Church. Scouting teaches young men to do their duty to God, and become the leaders of the next generation. Scouting experiences also help prepare young men for missionary work. Please consider helping this great cause with a donation. All donations—in any amount—are appreciated and helpful. If you would like to donate please contact a member of the bishopric by May 31, 2016.

Please sign up to feed our wonderful missionaries
Please help our Elders serving in the Mountain View Ward feel welcome by introducing yourself. They would also enjoy any teaching opportunities you have.  Invite them into your homes and allow them to share a message and enjoy the spirit that they bring. Our ward is responsible for feeding the elders on the ODD days of the month.  Please sign up to feed the missionaries !!!! click on this link Mountain View Ward Missionary Dinner 

Click {HERE} to go to the missionary page on the blog


Stake Youth Dance

Relief Society Service Project
Click on the Relief Society Page for more details
Thank you to the sisters that have started to donate 
We will have boxes starting this Sunday at church in the Relief Society Room

Talk of the Week from LDS.ORG
When parents are prepared and children listen and participate in the discussion, the family Council is truly working!

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 22, 2016

May 22, 2016
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 11:00

Ward Business
Congratulations to George Muhn, he has been called to serve in the
Teresina Brazil Mission. He will prepare to teach the gospel in the Portuguese language. He reports to the Sao Paulo MTC on September 20th 

Robert Inman turned 12 and received the Aaronic Priesthood and 
ordained to the office of a deacon

Congratulations to all the 2016 Seminary Graduates

Sacrament Meeting Talks
Today was a wonderful sacrament meeting. We had the privilege of listening to Elder Hayden Brimhall report on his mission in Australia and then had the privilege of hearing from Elder Preston Brimhall as he prepares to report to the MTC this week and prepare to serve in the Washington DC North Mission. We also had the opportunity to hear the testimonies from Sister Jill Brimhall, Brother George Brimhall and President Lewis.


May 29th - Sister Devin Gardner Homecoming Talk
May 29th- Stake Temple Recommend Interviews 4pm 
May 29th - Priest / Laurel Fireside 7pm
May 30th - June 4th - Priest/Teacher Quorums Super Activity
June 4th - Stake Youth Dance
June 14th - 18th - Stake YW Camp

To View the complete stake calendar click {HERE} and log onto

The Scouting program plays an important role in the Church. Scouting teaches young men to do their duty to God, and become the leaders of the next generation. Scouting experiences also help prepare young men for missionary work. Please consider helping this great cause with a donation. All donations—in any amount—are appreciated and helpful. If you would like to donate please contact a member of the bishopric by May 31, 2016.


Stake Youth Dance

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 15, 2016

May 15, 2016
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 11:00

Sacrament Meeting Talks
Speakers today were from the Stake
Matt Hill from the Stake Young Mens Presidency
Matt related is experiences in scouting to being prepared in life. He reminded us to evaluate the things that fill our lives and strive not to allow the things of less importance take up space.

Steve Harper from Stake High Council shared the love of our Stake Presidency.
Steve focused his thoughts on building, maintaining and sharing our testimonies. He reminded us to be aware of small and simple blessings that remind us that the Lord truly is mindful of us and knows each one of us.

Ward Business
Sophia Pakard turned 16 and has advanced to the Laurel Class
Stake Business
Ken Lyman was called to the High Council

Did you miss the Worldwide Devotional Broadcast for Young Adults ? Click on the links for the wonderful messages


May 20th & 21st - Father & Sons Campout
May 22nd - Elder Hayden Brimhall Homecoming Talk / Elder Preston Brimhall Farewell Talk
May 22nd - Seminary Graduation
May 29th - Sister Devin Gardner Homecoming Talk
May 29th- Stake Temple Recommend Interviews 4pm 
May 29th - Priest / Laurel Fireside 7pm
May 30th - June 4th - Priest/Teacher Quorums Super Activity
June 4th - Stake Youth Dance
June 14th - 18th - Stake YW Camp

To View the complete stake calendar click {HERE} and log onto

Family History
Could you be related to someone in our ward?  Curious?  Could there be some distant relative you have in common?  
Here's how you can find out:
  1. Click on this link:
  2. Join the Group: Mountain View Related
  3. Password: mountain
This site will request access to your Family Search account, and that is what you will use to sign in and join the group and find out if you are related.
Also, on this site, by clicking on Relatives you can find out if you are related to LDS heritage, USA founders, Presidents, and yes even movie Stars. For example I found out that I was related to some of our current day apostles, past leader (Hinkley), some presidents (Roosevelt), and even Lucille Ball.

As a reminder, if you need any help with any of your Family History, give your Ward Family History Consultants a call. We are excited and willing to help you make that next step, what ever it is. 
Remember our Goal as a Ward, Stake, and as a Church to Find, Take, and Teach. 

Richard Muhn 
Lisa Muhn 
Frank Harrison 

Stake Youth Dance

Good news!! We just heard Saturdays Warrior ranked 3rd out of 12 movies playing this past weekend at Scottsdale 101, so it will be playing another week there through May 26th!!  I hope EVERYONE will have the opportunity to see it because it has such a great message of family, purpose, and life. 
The lead role of Jimmy Flinders is played by Bishop McCormicks son Kenny

Sunday, May 1, 2016

May 8, 2016

May 8, 2016
Bishop Taylor 602-743-4655
3601 East Shea Boulevard - Phoenix, Arizona 85028
Sacrament Meeting 11:00

Sacrament Meeting Talks
Brother Gary Matthews and Brother Frank Harrison both gave wonderful talks today focused on Mother's Day and beautiful tributes to women in our lives

The Primary Children sang a beautiful medley of songs and the ward choir sang a beautiful musical number

Ward Business
No ward business today

Did you miss the Worldwide Devotional Broadcast for Young Adults ? Click on the links for the wonderful messages

Happy Mother's Day 

to all the first year moms,

 the long time moms, aunts who are wonderful 2nd 

moms & the not yet moms because Gods plan for all 

of us is so different and special. Thank you to all 

the women who are such examples to each of us.

“No matter where you are in life, whether you are a woman looking forward to one day having a family, currently in the trenches of motherhood or a seasoned grandmother, there is a mother to be found in each of us,” said Sister Linda K. Burton. “A nurturing influence is not limited to those who bear children. The effect of righteous women is felt in communities throughout the world.

May 8th - Mother's Day
May 10th - Relief Society Enrichment 7pm - Tech Night - Bring your smartphone, Tablet, Ipad, Laptop, etc and learn about all the Gospel Resources at your fingertips {Increasing the use of digital study resources} Nursery Provided
May 14th - Young Men Annual Pancake Breakfast  7am to 10am (Tickets can be purchased from any of the young men)
May 14th - Mormon Prom
May 15th - Single Sisters Potluck at Pam Jones Home at 5pm
May 15th - Stake General Priesthood Meeting 6:00pm
May 20th & 21st - Father & Sons Campout
May 22nd - Elder Hayden Brimhall Homecoming Talk / Elder Preston Brimhall Farewell Talk
May 22nd - Seminary Graduation
May 29th - Sister Devin Gardner Homecoming Talk
May 29th- Stake Temple Recommend Interviews 4pm 
May 29th - Priest / Laurel Fireside 7pm

To View the complete stake calendar click {HERE} and log onto

Read, Listen or Watch General Conference talks here

Saturdays Warrior 

Superstition Springs 25 in MESA

 Scottsdale 101-14 in PHOENIX

 Look for select CAST members opening weekend!!! 

Click here for tickets and showtimes